Friday, December 19, 2008

Integrating Children in Worship

I was surprised to receive two separate queries this month about a post from last year on children's sermons. Having worked a little more with children this year and having read a lot more about children, here are the two very best titles I've found for integrating children into worship:

The Church of All Ages, ed. Howard Vanderwell (Herndon, Virginia: The Alban Institute, 2008)

A Child Shall Lead: Children in Worship, ed. John D. Witvliet (Garland, Texas: Choristers Guild, 1999)

They include some discussion of the development of the children sermon; the historical role of children in worship; philosophical and theological perspectives; and LOTS of practical ideas.

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Yea! Another post. A Child Shall Lead Them is fantastic. I was amazed at the combination of theoretical and practical in that book.

thanks for posting, I've been hungry for another.

Philip said...

Yes! Thank you. This is a good blog, and it's too bad you're not able to post more often...but I understand. Life happens. and people are more important than blogs. :)