Thursday, July 05, 2007

"All Creatures of Our God and King" 1: The "Alleluia" Refrain

OK! Thank you, Adam and Sean, for your encouragement. I would be happy to publish some of the Hymn Notes appearing weekly in the church bulletin. We've been doing this only two months now, although of course I've had the idea and done similar things at other churches for many years.

On the first week of each month, the congregation receives an insert with the full lyrics. They are encouraged to take these home and memorize them.

On successive weeks, they may receive some historical background or devotional material about the hymn.

Here's the second week of "All Creatures of Our God and King," as it appeared in the bulletin in June:

The songs of God’s people were never meant to rest in the church building, but to bubble up from our hearts throughout our moments and days. We pray that the Hymns of the Month may help us reflect on the inspiration of the Holy Spirit through two millenia of congregational song, and to dwell on some of the words and tunes the Spirit inspired in our brothers and sisters before us, so that the Spirit may have opportunity again to bless God, others, and ourselves through these phrases in our own hearts in this time. As an example of how different hymns may be sung in different moments of our lives, we will sometimes sing them at different points in the Sunday morning service.

The refrain of this hymn of the month (“O praise Him, alleluia”) makes it particularly appropriate for use before and after the gospel reading.

“Alleluia” survives as a transliteration of the Hebrew “Hallelujah”, meaning “Praise Jah[weh]!” It appears numerous times in Psalms 113-118 and four times in Revelation 19, where it serves less as an injunction to praise than as a mighty summation of all the intensity of praise in heaven. This word’s continued use from the Old Testament temple worship to the New Testament’s revelation of heavenly worship, from the liturgies of first-century Christians to twenty-first-century Christians, allows us to join our voices with the company of heaven and to participate in the worship of all believers through time and space.

Please encourage one another in worship this morning, and yourselves throughout the week, by singing “Alleluia” with loudness and might.


Anonymous said...

Glad you're back! Will I see you in Ottawa?

Rebecca Abbott said...

No. I assume you're going, you lucky fellow! Right now I'm only going when the conferences are in my geographical region. Have fun.